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Business 실무에서 사용되는 Business 영어에 포커스를 맞춘 수업입니다. Business 의 모든 상황에 대응할 수 있도록 국제 Business 현장에서 사용하고 있는formal conversation의 표현들을 다양하게 접하고 정확한 Business 영어 사용, 대처방안을 제시합니다. 또한 Presentation, Product Introduction 등 기본적인 Business에 필요한 요소들을 영어로 표현하는 방법에 익숙해 지도록 훈련합니다. 무역업무를 하시는 분들이나, 해외로 근무지를 이전하시는 분들 국제회의를 주관하는분들을 위해 고안된 책입니다.



비즈니스 영어회화 수업 주제


? Meeting People

 -> 인사 표현  / 감사?축하의 표현  / 사과?양해?부탁의 표현  / 초대?권유?사양의 표현 / 위로?격려 표현

? Working in the office

 -> 회사에서의 업무 처리 /바이어와의 약속 / 회사 방문과 미팅 /사무실 주변기기의 이용 /직장생활

? Business Telephoning

-> 전화 통화의 기본이 되는 표현 /통화로 용건 전달하기 /전화를 받을 수 없을 때 /전화를 끊을 때 쓰는표현

? Negotiating & Contracting

-> 해외 방문객을 위한 회사 안내 /제품 소개 /계약 /주문 /판매 /클레임과 배상

? Opinions or Conference

-> 안건의 제시와 의견 내기 /동의와 반대의 표현 /논리적인 합의 도출 과정 /결론짓기

? Business Trip

-> 비자 신청과 항공권의 예약 /공항과 기내 /호텔 /레스토랑 /길 찾기와 교통수단의 이용





총 교재수 : 20



WB3_Longman Intelligent Business Elementary



Pearson Longman


Irene Barall & Nikolas Barall


Intelligent Business makes the world of business accessible to English language students whatever their level or business experience.
Tailor Intelligent Business to provide the ideal course for your students, with different books for students with business experience and for those without.
The course features authentic material from The Economist and the dedicated Skills Book provides focused training in communication skills for business professionals.



WB4_Business Basics New Edition



Oxford University Press


David Grant & Robert McLarty


Business Basics is a complete first course in English for business, with thorough coverage of basic grammar and skills. While the language level is low, the material is relevant to the business world, and real companies and business personalities are featured.



WB5_Communication Strategies 1



Cengage Learning


David Paul


Communication Strategies covers the vocabulary, patterns, and collocations that English language learners need to communicate actively.



WB5_In Company 3.0 Intermediate






In Company 3.0 provides updated and expanded content and builds on the success of previous editions, making it the English course of choice for established business professionals. The course delivers strong, skill-based material with immediate and tangible outcomes. Short, accessible units focus on key business trends, people skills and everyday business scenarios, and demonstrate the practical application of functional language in business contexts.

New for this third edition is a neat and compact online learning solution for both students and teachers. The interactive Online Workbook gives students the opportunity to practice language online and on-the-move, and teachers can track students’ progress through automatic gradebooks.

At the Intermediate level topics, texts and skills (e.g. Making Calls and Small Talk and Going Green) have been chosen to consolidate the learners’ business functional language and provoke professional students into using their English in a professional context.



WB5_Longman Intelligent Business Pre-intermediate



Pearson Longman


Christine Johnson


With its informative and authentic material from The Economist (c), the Intelligent Business Coursebook helps students to increase their knowledge of key business concepts whilst learning English. The course can be used in preparation for exams such as BEC and BULATS.

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