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주니어과정은 초등학생부터 고등학생까지를 학습대상으로 하며 세계적으로 널리쓰이는 검증된 영어교재및 원서 만을 사용하여 영어의 7대영역인 듣기/말하기/읽기/쓰기/문법/어휘/발음을 균형있게 공부할 수 있도록 구성된 프로그램입니다.










1, 원어민 수준의 발음구사

발음은 일찍 배울수록 좋습니다.  좋은 발음을 갖게되면 영어학습에 대한 자신감이 생기고 음소인식능력이 향상되어 듣기/말하기 실력이 크게 향상됩니다. 원어민과 일대일로 매일 학습하는 것은 좋은 발음을 자연스럽게  습득하도록 도와줍니다 .


2, 자신감

원어민과의 일대일 수업은 외국인에 대한 두려움을 없애주며 영어사용에 대한 자신감을 심어줍니다. 특히 원어민과의 일대일 수업은 학습자의 적극적인 참여없이는 진행자체가 불가능하기 때문에 능동적인 수업참여를 통해 자신감이 크게 향상됩니다.


3, 동기부여

원어민과의 일대일 수업을 통해 생긴 영어에 대한 자신감은 동기부여로 이어집니다. 영어학습에 대한 흥미가 증가되며 영어를 좀더 잘 하고싶다는 욕구를 불러일으켜 목표의식을 가지고 영어를 공부하게 해 줍니다.


4, 농동적인 자기계발 능력 형성

영어학습에 대한 동기와 목표가 생기면 자기주도 학습습관이 형성됩니다. 이를 통해 능동적으로 자기계발을 지속해 나갈 수 있게 되며 수동적인 학습이 아니라 스스로 계획하고 학습하고 활용하는 과정을 통해 글로벌경쟁력을 갖춘 영어실력을 기를 수 있습니다.




총 교재수 : 235



WJ3_English Made Easy Volume 2



Tuttle Publishing


Jonathan Crichthon & Pieter Koster


English Made Easy is a fun and user-friendly way to learn English

It is a breakthrough in English language learning?imaginatively exploiting how pictures and text can work together to create understanding and help learners learn more productively. It gives beginner English learners easy access to the vocabulary, grammar and functions of English as it is commonly used in a comprehensive range of social situations. Self?guided students and classroom learners alike will be delighted by the way they are helped to progress smoothly from one unit to the next, using a combination of pictures and text to discover for themselves how English works. The pictorial method used in this book is based on a thorough understanding of language structure and how language is successfully learned. The authors are experienced English language teachers with strong backgrounds in language analysis and language learning.



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B. Goldstein, C. Jones, D. Mckeegan


Captivating Discovery Education™ video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education™, Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education™ video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. Four videos in every unit make learning relevant and create opportunities for deeper understanding. Guided, step-by-step activities and personalised learning tasks lead to greater speaking and writing fluency. Progress monitoring tools and flexible teaching support, including graded tests and extra practice activities, ensure that every learner can achieve success.



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J. Perrett, C. Covill


Integrates reading, grammar, writing, listening and speaking skills in a fun and engaging way for young learners. Language is presented in humorous cartoon stories and follows the adventures of the Fly High characters. Fly High offers an enjoyable introduction to English for children starting at the beginning of the school system. It aims to develop a positive attitude to English through motivating activities, songs and chants. Key vocabulary and structures are presented in humorous cartoon stories, featuring the Fly High characters, and regularly recycled.








J. Soars, L. Soars, P. Hancock


Each Student's Book provides 14 topical units with familiar Headway structure and integrated skills methodology. New vibrant photography unit openers use questions to engage learners with the unit topic and video introductions provide overviews of the content included. New and updated reading texts focus on topics and themes that students can relate to and demonstrate a specific language point. Access codes in the front of the Student's Books provide learners with 30 hours of Online Practice per level: www.headwayonline.com Online Practice lets students look again at Student's Book language they want to revise or they missed in class, do extra practice of all four skills and check their progress with self-check tests.



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Thomson Heinle


C. Pavlik


Guaranteed to engage readers, stimulate thinking, and provoke conversation while developing vocabulary and reading skills. The controversial topics explored in the text all have more than one side to them, thus encouraging debate and classroom discussion.

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주소 : 경기 고양시 일산서구 대산로211번길 37(대화동)

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